


So you're constantly fighting and getting into conflicts with your loved one and you're trying to figure out how am I going to save this relationship. You're always wondering why your ex doesn't understand you. You need to do something to make your ex want you back and bring the passion back into your relationship. The results will not happen overnight, it will take some effort, change, and the willingness to go the whole nine yards. Let's look at some simple strategies that will help you get back with your ex, save your relationship, and replace those feelings of bitterness and stubbornness with feelings of affection, warmth and laughter.
Be pro-active towards saving a relationship and be the solution to the problems, not the creator. Figure out for yourself and try to understand the causes that bring about the fighting, arguments and eventually the failed relationship. Whatever obstacles your are facing, know that, you have the power to turn the broken relationship around to a positive and harmonious one that you desire. Change your attitude, be the solution, and start understanding ways to get your ex back.
If you take your relationship seriously, and you want this person by your side for the rest of your life, you have to become the right person for them. I'm not saying you need to change yourself drastically into something else, you have to be yourself.
Trust me every partner wants someone who is honest, trustworthy, and committed to making things work. But there is always some effort required towards turning a relationship into a positive one that binds you together forever. Romance is more important in a successful relationship, than you want to think. Being romantic and sensitive to the needs of your loved one comes more easily in the courting phase of your relationship. During this period you'll do whatever it takes to win the heart of your partner over. You'll find out the wants and needs, the likes and dis-likes and know exactly what attracts them to you. The key to a long term relationship is sustaining this effort, to some extent, and keeping that fire burning after you've entered into the comfortable level of your relationship.
Understand this, once you are into a long term relationship, Love is the number one priority. What this means is you are the number one priority to each other. If it is important that you do something for your loved one, do it, don't make excuses, don't deny it if you forget all about it. If it is important to your partner that you follow through with something, and you don't think it is going to be possible, make sure they know this, communicate, don't disappoint them then try to recover from it.
The factors leading to a failed relationship or marriage breakup are often not because of the differences between two people, but the attitude towards, and the reaction to, these differences. If you put your heart and soul into understanding your partner, and be the solution, you will be able to work through the issues of a breaking relationship. Creating and sustaining a harmonious long term relationship or marriage takes patience, tolerance and perseverance.

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