
KESIAN... kesian!!! sampai ugut2!!!!

Ehem… kali ini aku tak citer le pasal makanan ke, kalori ke… diet ke… stop leh jap… aku nak ngumpat ni… tak leh tension tapi kadang2 aku rasa kelakar…. Yele kisah uda dan dara, kisah andartu yang kadang2 membencikan aku dan kadang2 membuatkan aku kesian… oke aku gi citer pasal member2 aku ni dulu…

Ni gini… berlaku akan hal ni kat sekitar kawasan dan sewaktu ngannya…M okleh, adeleh sorang mamat yang aku kenal ni…. bukannya ape sangat meke ni sepasang kekasih giler2 leh… cintan tahap dewa, turun kete naik kete… makan sepinggan, keje sama2, alahai cam romeo terlebih dan Juliet desperado lah… yele… mana tak nye… pompuan tu dah tua kerepot… memmmm tak leh tua cam aku ni… tapi aku dah berlaki dan ada own family… ni… yang single dan dah nak masuk tahap andartu… ahakz… sorry kalau bagi meke yang tak kawin lagi…. Aku citer je… meke ni intim gegila, pagi2 makan berdua, tengahari makan sama, petang malam… ahhhak ibarat cam sepasang belangkas yang terbungkang dalam ‘dunia’ sendiri… orang sekeliling dah tak Nampak… lama gak meke bercintan monyet tu… yele tapi si mamat ni poyo, dia mula2 ayat je minah ni sebab kesian kat minah yang tak laku2 ni… mmm bukan lah ape sangat, nak ikutkan minah ni ada upe le, cutting tu ada le… cume umur je terlajak… entah lah memilih atau dah ehem… hihhhhsss tak baik kan… but anyway… meke ni memang sejoli walaupun aku nengok budak mamat ni muda sangat…. Kurang 5 tahun dari usia si minah ni… minah ni memang le lawa cikit tapi kalau korang mula cakap ngan dia, terabur… dia punya sora ala2 merdu lagi burung murai batu aku tu…. Pagi2 bersuara memang nyaring tapi ada pitching… yang ni aduh… sakit gak telinga aku…. Ahha mungkin tu sebabnya tak de bf sampai sekarang kot!

Okey, berbalik semula alkisah meke ni…. si mamat ni poyos sesangat.. upe gak2 cam shahir af tu le… tapi yele… dah ada upe pandai le main kan orang… pehabih semua gadis2 kepingan kota desa ceruk rantau buru kat mamat ni… mmmm konon2 mamat ni hensem le… tapi tak leh aku nengok, cam biasa je.. mungkin dia sendiri yang perasan…. Okey… mamat ni suka gak mintak2 itu ini kat minah tu, aku rasa dah banyak dah pehabih harta mende xxxx, mmm mane le tau! Kot kat mamat ni.. eheheh jangan ingat aku ni seleweng otak… aku ni manusia, ehehh korang pun manusiakan… cuba korang piker… berdua siang malam takkan leh control… ahahakz…. Anyway….

One day….dipendekkan citer, Mamat ni gusar betul…. Sebab pe dapat sms ugutan yang bukan2… poning kepalo dia…. Padan gak muka dia… tapi aku kesian gak sebab yelah sape le makhluk kejam terhangat yang sanggup ugut2 tu….

Nak tak nak mamat ni mintak tolong ngan aku cari sesapa ada member kenal kat celcom… tracekan untuk dia… ahahak tapi aku cakap le cam2 katakan itu dan ini… last…. Dah di trace nak jadik citer, upe2nya exgf dia yang buat… minah tu leh… ahahakzzzzz padan muka mamat ni… dah di cekik giler2 minah ni, di lepaskan dan last2 kena ugut gabrah ko! Padan muka dia!

Mmm patutle aku nengok dah dua bulan mamat minah poyos belangkas tak belengkar lagi…. Tak de gurau senda dan senyum manis, tak de lagi bekalan mamat ni dieksport..tak de transport port2 same2, upe2 nya dah perang!... mmm perang manja tapi mahu! Kelakar!
Aku tak khabak le kat mamat ni, sape yang ugut… biar dia cari sendiri…. tapi mamat ni dapat tahu dari seseorang rakannya… ahahak cuba korang pikirkan sanggup tak korang uat cam tu.. nak kat bf korang semula tapi main ugut2… bodoh betul kan… tak le… aku rasa minah ni kegersangan tule sebabnya tak de pilihan kebas je mana ada depan mata, anak ikan pun anak ikan le… janji bagi hasil… ahakzzzz!

Selamat semua!!!

Five food that kill fat!?... urghh

For Men  & Women... what yoll gonna do... just click http://www.arcamax.com/ard/6834641?t=C135542028S2739L15 this link... and u wanna watch the video!... Have fun!!!!

Why Holiday Drinking Makes U LARGE?

Nape nyek... meh kita tengok...

"The Holiday party season is in full swing and I don't want to be everybody's favorite buzzkiller, but when the festivities are over and the fat lady has sung, you may reflect on where some of that added girth has come from. If you like to kick it like a rockstar, say with Rockstar Energy drink, just keep in mind that each can of that Axl Rosewater has 62 grams of sugar. (A 16 ounce can of Coke has 54.)
16 ounces of cranberry juice (a bar favorite), contains 64 grams of sugar. (Plus, high fructose corn syrup.) For those of you headed South to Margaritaville, keep in mind that a "small" margarita rolls in at 400 calories. (Each) For Bloody Mary aficionados, the bar mix has high fructose corn syrup, as the second ingredient.

For all you fitness buffs, Vitamin Water has 32 grams of sugar in just one 20 ounce bottle. Gatorade has high fructose corn syrup, to help you get your body back in order, after a good workout.
In the real world, water is your best friend, even though it isn't the life of the party.
Get small! Drink water. I'll be back tomorrow with more. With my best wishes for your optimum health,

Dr. Bill




Hi… jumpa lagi… kali ini aku nak ucap dulu SELAMAT TAHUN BARU 2011.. SEMOGA IMPIAN ANDA UNTUK BERTAMBAH CANTIK AKAN TERCAPAI! AMALKAN DIET YANG SIHAT… kerana apa… kerana aku pun masih mampu untuk melakukannya… ngapa korang kusarankan… sebab setiap kali iklan kat tv tak de lain asyik sal pemakanan yang sihat, diet yang sihat dan amalan yang sihat… urghhh!


DAH… sekarang ni aku nak soal korang jap…. Mmm pasal ape sal pemakanan le… hishh… kan berkongsi lebih baik dari berdiam diri… ni maklumat yang kau servey2 kat internet…. Kongsi pe salahnya, kan!!!!

Tahukah korang ada lebih 40 zat makanan yang dikumpul dalam enam jenis zat makanan utama iaitu karbohidrat, lemak, protein, garam galian, air dan vitamin.

Makanan yang korang ambil setiap hari hendaklah seimbang & ia membekalkan nutrien yang diperlukan mengikut keperluan individu. Nutrien yang diperlukan terdiri daripada kumpulan makanan yang berikut:

Makanan sebagai Pembina tubuh iaitu protein

Makanan pembekal tenaga dan haba iaitu karbohidrat, lemak dan protein

Makanan adalah pencegah penyakit iaitu vitamin dan garam mineral

Tahukah korang kalau kita makan banyak2 ape jadik? Ha dah tentu comel dan montel… cam aku dulu2 aku tak tahu le aku ni naik badan cam badak sumbu ni…. yeleh kalau korang tengok dah tentu korang kata alahai okeh le badan kak ni! yele… korang tak tahu nak dapat badan maintain tak nak gemuk, seksa tau!.... Tambah2 orang pompuan…. Kawin je berubah la… untung2 yang memang dah baka tak leh ubah nasib meke baguslah… cam kawan2 aku tu… ada le badan maintain… tak le ramai ada le 6 orang yang ku kenali…. Badan masih cool lagi… walaupun dah ada anak 3 4 orang… baguskan…. Cam orang pompuan ni, nak jaga makan, nak jaga muka, nak jaga sora, nak jaga laki… hish! Banyak betul nak jaga! Ha kalau tak berseri kang tak leh, tak best leh… cheh…

Aku pun dulu2 kalau aku tahuleh nak jadik cam mak kiah mak cik temah ni… tak le aku ni melantak sakan cam yang disarankan oleh org tua2 aku dulu…. “ha makan long, makan…. Nanti kang anak ko tak makan dalam perut tu!” Ahak… aku nip e lagi cam mengantuk disorong bantal lah…. Bo makan je…. sampai leh berat aku time ngandung dulu dah cecah 65…. Korang bayangkan… tapi satu je ajaib dan kuasa Allah… alhamdullillah… aku tak de diabetes atau kencing manis dan masam atau darah tinggi… atau stress….. ahahhaa nak lahir pun senang sebab aku terlebih tenaga ultraman… ahahakz….. ha bila nak kurus sekarang merangkak… sampai laki aku pernah gelar aku ni, ikan dugong, katak gempol le… dinasour le… raksasa le…punggung labor le… ahakz lantak le… sekarang ni dah kurang gelaran tu semua… maklum lah ada amik produk kesihatan dulu… produk terkenal le….

Ni aku kongsi lagi ngan apa yang aku pernah baca….Tahukah Korang? Mmm tahu tak, ada beberapa pakar menyoalkan Apa akan berlaku jika tabiat makan kita makan tak ingat2… berlarutan selama setahun? Berapa yang selalunya orang dewasa makan sehari?

Makan Pagi: Nasi lemak bersambal (400 kalori) + Telor mata kerbau (21 kalori) + Teh Tarik (120 kalori) = 541 kalori

Pukul 10 pagi: Kuih karipap 3 biji (390 kalori) + Teh O (20 kalori) = 410 kalori

Makan tengahari: Nasi 3 cawan (420 kalori) + Ayam kari (250 kalori) + Dalca Sayur setengah cawan (150 kalori) + Air Tembikai (80 kalori) = 900 kalori

Minum petang: Kopi susu (120 kalori) + Popia Goreng 3 biji (390 kalori) = 510 kalori

Makan Malam: Nasi 3 cawan (420 kalori) + Ikan Tenggiri Masak Merah (142 kalori) + Kangkong goreng belacan (120 kalori) = 682 kalori

Jumlah (541 + 410 + 900 + 510 + 682) = 3043 kalori.

Jika lelaki bakar 2500 kalori tetapi makan 3043 kalori sehari maka mereka akan simpan 543 kalori setiap hari sebagai lemak. 543 X 365 hari = 198, 195 kalori setahun disimpan. Jadi dalam setahun berat akan meningkat sebanyak 24.77kg!! (198,195 / 8000)….. Mmmm! kalau korang nak tahu, pakar kalori mengatakan, Kalori yang dibakar bergantung pada berat badan dan ketumpatan tubuh seseorang Berikut adalah kiraan kalori yang dibakar seorang yang seberat 68kg beraktiviti selama sejam. Setiap 8000 kalori yang terkumpul (tidak dibakar) akan menaikkan 1kg berat badan.

1) Menonton TV = 40 kalori

2 ) Berjalan pantas = 300 kalori

3 ) Bermain bola keranjang (agresif) = 450 kalori

4 ) Mengemas rumah = 240 kalori

5 ) Berkebun = 320 kalori

6 ) Bermain golf (bawa sendiri Club) = 385 kalori

7 ) Berbasikal statik = 380 kalori

8 ) Erobik = 405 kalori

9 ) Ping Pong = 280 kalori

Sumber : http://veteranhealthclub.blogspot.com

Ahhh… no wonder le… orang yang kerja as contractor tu… atau buruh2 kat construction, badan2 meke lawa2 gila… semua ada muscles dan six pax… gus! Betul…. Cam tak caya nyek…

Macam-macam kaedah nak kurus.... tapi kita uat tak tahu... ngape ek?

Macam-macam kaedah atau cara nak kurus. Tapi kita pikirlak… kita ni ade ke inisiatif untuk lakukan itu semua! Takkan… oooo ade nyek! Entahlah… aku nengok meke ni kalau cakap sal kurus… memang excited! Tapi bila suruh kuruskan badan ngan cara-cara yang gak2 kritikal tahap dewa tu, semua lari! Heeeehhhee aku pun lari… dah lah kena makan produk meke, last2 kenalak berlapar…. Dah tentu orang negeri kata, GILO KO PO? Heeheeehahahah!!!! beli produk mahal… tapi kena diet lagi! Susahlah, kak!

Adapun meke kata kat aku baru2 ni… “kak oi! Saya beli produk mahal ngan kak lepas tu kak suruh saya diet gile2 makau, kak ingat saya ni ape? Ngapa produk akak mahal tu tak leh ciptakan sekali gus! Bazir duit saya lah!” urghhh kadang2 kalau ingat balik, bengang gak…. Yele bukan aku ciptakan produk tu….manae le aku tahu! Kalau aku ciptakan produk slim… hehehehe….. kalau aku, aku cari le yang makan2 jap terus kurus! Lepas tu kita control sendiri leh kalau betul2 nak kurus… tak yah lah makan bertahun2 produk tu mengayakan owner dia… kita ni sales marketing tak kaya2 pun! Ada aku dengar lagi orang2 yang join ngan satu produk ni dari 2003 lagi baru lah tahun ni masuk suratkhabar, kata leh gi umrah lah, leh beli umah, kete, beli ape2 lagi le! Yeleh korang kiralah berapa banyak dah pehabih duit meke kan, baru nak kayo! Itu pun kalau ada yang keje sendiri dah lamo dah poi mokah tu! Dah lamo dah boli keto, boli umah…hahhahahakz….
Ha ni ada sedikit yang aku amik dari blog yang aku minat baca dan minat ikuti! Dia ni memang bagus dan tak susah kan orang, bergantung ko nak atau tak na!!!. Nak ikut atau tak nak! Ha, cuba amik blog ni http://www.taknakgemuk.com

Cuba dan korang baca serta pahami betul2…. Key!! lepas tu baru korang komen kat aku… member aku dah 6 orang ni yang dah turun.. alhamdullillah…. Suka gak meke… ada yang dah stat pakai baju kebaya ko!

Benar atau Tidak.... Bolehkan kalau kita mencuba!

Mari kita lihat kalori makanan ni semua! Seram gakkan... tapi cam aku ni memang minat masak dan memang minat makan... ha.... nengok... susah memang susah... ni aku amik dari pakar2 kalori.... meh try!

1. Sepinggan Mi Goreng - 660

2. Sepinggan Nasi Goreng - 630

3. Nasi Lemak Sambal (1 cawan) - 400

4. Semangkuk Mi Sup - 380

5. Sepinggan Nasi Ayam - 300

6. Sekeping Roti Canai Kosong - 190

7. Seketul Cekodok Pisang - 180

8. Sekeping Karipap - 120

9. Sebiji Burger Ayam - 420

10. Sekeping Pizza Keju - 240

11. 2 Scoops Ice Cream - 205

12. 1 slice Cheddar Cheese - 80

13. 1 tin Minuman Ringan - 120

14. Sepotong Tembikai - 40

15. Sepotong Betik - 40

16. 2 biji Pisang Emas - 100

17. Sepinggan Capati - 180

18. Sekeping Popiah Goreng - 90

19. 1 sudu makan Susu Penuh Krim - 35

20. 1 sudu makan Mentega - 75


1. Berkebun - 38

2. Menari - 32

3. Aerobik - 23

4. Berenang - 29

5. Berbasikal - 27

6. Badminton - 26

7. Bowling - 20

8. Tenis - 20

9. Joging - 13

10. Golf - 34

1. Berkebun - 23

2. Menari - 21

3. Aerobik - 15

4. Berenang - 18

5. Berbasikal? - 17

6. Badminton - 15

7. Bowling - 13

8. Tenis - 13

9. Joging - 8

10. Golf - 21

Betul ke?

Saya ambil dari beberapa petikan oleh pakar kalori.... mmmm jom kita cuba!

Pilihlah makanan yang kurang kalori menggantikan makanan yang berkalori tinggi, seperti:

Semangkuk meehon sup menggantikan sepinggan kuih teow goreng = (350 kalori) (600 kalori)

Segelas air kacang soya menggantikan sebotol minuman ringan = (60 kalori)         (150 kalori)

Sepotong buah segar menggantikan semangkuk bubur caca = (60 kalori)               (300 kalori)

Jumlah :                                                                               470 kalori                1050 kalori

Sajian makanan segera

Pilih yang berkalori rendah : dari makanan segera yang berkalori tinggi seperti:

burger keju, 317 kal whooper sandwich, 628 kal

buah-buahan, 60 kal kentang goreng, 227 kal

air atau teh tanpa gula, 0 kal coke, 150 kal

salad tanpa dresing, 28 kal

Jumlah : 405 kalori        Jumlah : 1005 kalori


POPEYE Was Right About Spinach!!!

While I was growing up, a friend of mine used to do the best Popeye imitation I've ever heard. It never failed to make me laugh, hearing him do the cartoon voice in class, or on the playground. Once, after
not having seen the guy in years, I heard that voice, while walking on 6th Avenue in New York and, sure as Santa Claus, there he was, right beside me. My friend had a dream to get a Harley Davidson motorcycle. He wanted to walk in, pick one out, pay cash for it and then, drive away. He realized that dream. Unfortunately,a year to the day he bought his hog, he was struck by a car that didn't stop for a red light and that was the end of that tune.

But Popeye's advice to consume a lot of spinach lives on. It's good advice. Among all foods, spinach is the pinnacle powerhouse food. It has more health benefits than almost any other food.
It's low in calories. It provides a synergy of multiple nutrients and phytonutrients (250 at last count).
It contains lutein, beta carotene, glutathione, alpha lipoic acid, vitamins C and E, B vitamins, minerals, polyphenols and betaine. It also contains plant derived omega-3 fatty acids and is one of the only two vegetables to contain CoQ10. (The other is...broccoli.) http://www.favoriteformulas.com/CoQ10formula?awt_l=7D9CN&awt_m=J9tGbEM_PgZIrW Of all the areas in the body that spinach helps, the most important is the eyes. By the time we are 65 years of age, 20% of us suffer from age related macular degeneration, or AMD. The percentages go up with advancing age.

There isn't any cure for macular degeneration. That leaves us with prevention and the best sources of AMD prevention are spinach and its cousins, kale, collards, Swiss chard, turnip greens, mustard greens, bok choy, romaine lettuce and orange bell peppers. Right next to spinach and its cousins are marine based omega-3 fatty acids (ie., fish oil) and CoQ10 supplements. Take a moment and imagine this: You can't read, drive, watch TV, or see a movie. That should be enough to remind you how important your sight is. You can keep your eyes clear by prevention and following Popeye's advice. So eat your spinach and take your fish oil and CoQ10:

With my best wishes for your optimum health,
Dr. Bill




Dr. Bill is the nom de guerre of William Thomas Stillwell, M.D.,

FACS, FICS, FAAOS, FAANAOS, FAAPGS. He is a licensed, board

certified orthopaedic surgeon, with nearly a quarter century of

clinical experience, and has served as Chairman of the Department

of Orthopaedic Surgery at St. Catherine of Siena Medical Center,

Smithtown, New York until he retired in 2003, Associate Professor

of Clinical Orthopaedic Surgery at the State University of New York

at Stony Brook (1987-2003), Assisitant Professor before that, and

Instructor of Clinical Orthopaedic Surgery at the College of

Physicians & Surgeons of Columbia University (1982-1999).

He is also a member of the Arthroscopy Association of North

America, the Association for Hip & Knee Surgery, and numerous

professional and scientific societies, including his Fellowships in

The American College of Surgery, The International College of

Surgery, The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery, The American

Academy for Neurological and Orthopaedic Surgery, and the American

Academy for Postgraduate Surgery.

Dr. Bill was born in Brooklyn, New York and is a product of the New

York City educational system, with higher education through New

York Medical College, where he earned his Doctorate in Medicine in

1973. At this time, he also worked as a professional medical

illustrator and comic artist

His Internship and General Surgery Residency were at the Medical

College of Virginia in Richmond, Vurginia and his Residency in

Orthopaedics was at St. Luke?s Hospital, back in New York.

Subsequently, he completed his advanced training in Adult

Reconstruction as an Otto E. Aufranc Fellow in Constructive Surgery

at the prestigious New England Baptist Hospital in Boston, and

Tufts University, where he was a Visiting Fellow.

Thereafter, he began the private practice of orthopaedic surgery in

Commack and Smithtown, New York, on Long Island, in the summer of

1979. Five years later, he had a specialized practice in surgery of

the hip & knee and was appointed Chief of Orthopaedics. During this

period, he was also Director of the Fracture Clinic, at St.

Luke?s-Roosevelt Hospital Center in NYC. He introduced many

advanced techniques in joint reconstruction to the hospital,

including his pioneering work on standardized protocols, which

eventually became known as clinical pathways, decades ahead of the

rest of the field.

He has written (and often illustrated) a number of scientific and

academic articles, which have been published in peer reviewed

medical journals, and two major orthopaedic textbooks on advanced

joint reconstruction: The Art of Total Hip Arthroplasty (Grune &

Stratton, 1987), and Arthroplasty: An Atlas of Surgical Technique

(with coauthor W. Norman Scott, M.D., Aspen Publications, 1987). He

illustrated the latter two books, as well.

During his tenure as Chairman, Dr. Stillwell developed his

Department with one of the strongest rosters of surgical excellence

on Long Island and the region. His hospital became a widely

respected regional center of excellence for major joint replacement

and revision, arthroscopic surgery, and advanced spinal procedures.

He himself was publicly acknowledged as a regional expert in his

field, The Hip & Knee Specialist, with a regional, national and

international referral base. He was also invited, twice, to lecture

at the prestigious British Hip Course in Oswestry, Wales, in the

U.K., on advanced revision surgery techniques.

At the peak of his career, Dr. Bill sustained a fractured spine in

a fall, and after attempting to continue his work for over a year,

despite progressive pain, believing he was putting patients at

risk, he voluntarily resigned from his position and retired from

his practice. He now commutes seasonally between his main residence

in Central Florida and the ?Northern Command,? in Southampton, New

York. He lives with his wife of over 35 years and a whole lot of


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Wednesday, 15 December 2010 19:06:19I Don't Care How Sick I Am It's Wrong To Eat Animals

She sat crying in a chair in her doctor's office. Her doctor told her, "You are hurting yourself. You are very, very, sick. Your hair is falling out, you are depressed and you are making yourself ill. You cannot go on like this." She kept right on eating, as she always had. An entire head of greens in her morning smoothie. Beans every day, tons of citrus fruits, tofu, nut pates, whole grains, sprouted grains, roasted
vegetables and stacks of vitamins. This was the diet that was supposed to make her healthy and save the world. This way the optimum way for humans to eat. (That's what the vegans told her.)
By her own admission, she was always hungry. It didn't matter how much she ate, she couldn't stay full for more than two hours. She just accepted that fatigue, exhaustion and growing depression were a
normal part of life. She wanted veganism to work; she wanted her ethics to outweigh her physiology.
Then, she found out that many prominent vegans weren't vegans "behind the scenes." They ate eggs, fish, meat, all to keep themselves healthy, but would not admit it in public. One noted  vegan cookbook author and another animal rights activist told her of their health struggles and of their return to eating meat and eating animal products. She still soldiered on, for three and a half years, believing that she was saving lives and that veganism was a shining light. Then, she ate some meat. "My first bite of meat, after years of veganism, was both the hardest and easiest thing I've ever done. Tears ran down my face, as saliva pooled in my mouth. The world receded to a blank nothingness and I just ate and ate and ate. I cried in grief and anger, while morning with pleasure and joy. When I took the last bite, I just sat back and waited to get sick. I had just devoured a hunk of dead animal, the most evil thing I could conceive of. Surely my body would reject this debasement and I would feel vindicated that I truly was meant to be a vegan." Instead, she felt profoundly joyful in finally listening to the wisdom of her body. "My face felt warm, my mind peaceful and my stomach full, but...I searched for a word to describe how it felt...comfortable. I realized, for the first time in months, that I felt satiated, but without any stomach pain. I had only eaten a small piece of cow flesh, yet I felt totally full, but light and refreshed, all at once. I reveled in the new and unexpected combination of sensations. How amazing it was not to need to eat for a solid hour, until my stomach stretched and distended over my pants, just to buy an hour of satiety.
Then, I noticed something else: My heart was beating slowly and steadily. Normally, after a typical meal of veggies, rice and beans,  or other starchy fair, my heart would race and skip for an hour or
so, afterward." The unnerving post meal palpitations were a sign of  blood sugar instability, caused by consuming massive servings of  carbohydrates." After two full months of non-veganism, all her health problems have disappeared. She is now sleeping soundly. Her stomach pains and bloating have vanished. Her allergies have diminished substantially. Warmth has returned to her hands and feet. Her depression has lifted. Her lower back pain has disappeared. Wrinkles on her face have vanished and her hair is thick and shiny. Her energy level is up, tenfold. I've said it before and I'll say it again, veganism is a health hazard, with vegeterianism not far behind. To get proof positive, all you need to do is listen to Prince Charles for ten minutes. (Not really scientific, but I think you get my point.)


And by the way, how do you like these new TSA slogans? "We've handled more balls than Barney Frank." "Don't worry, my hands are still warm from the last guy." "We are now free to move about your pants." I'll be back tomorrow with more.

With my best wishes for your optimum health,
Dr. Bill

Dr Bill says that.............

The three most common ways to kick the can for the last time are: heart attack, stroke, and cancer. Even if you don't die...your life can be changed in oh so many ways.

So what do you do to protect yourself on a daily basis? 
Change your diet?

Take vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids?

Lose weight?

All of the above?

If you answered all of the above...you are correct. 50 plus per cent of all Americans are now overweight. Your chances of doing battle with one of the big three killers if you are overweight is significantly higher than if you are not. One reason is that 80% of those who are overweight suffer from high blood
pressure, and many of them don't even know it. High blood pressure is a sneaky silent killer.

You can beat the three killers by:
1) Taking fish oil every day.

2) Getting a moderate amount of exercise daily.

3) Using a little common sense with regard to your diet.

I recommend 4 soft gels of my Powerhouse Omega Formula on a daily

basis. You won't find a better fish oil anywhere.

I'll be back tomorrow with more.
With my best wishes for your optimum health,

Dr. Bill



Hi! kekawan sekelian... yang masih dalam dilema.... usah kabut2... rilex.... yang masih mencari produk untuk slim.... meh join saya dengan jusmate.... berminat sila hubungi saya, 013-6288811... saya akan menjawab panggilan anda secepat mungkin... proses penghantaran 3 hari je... dan percuma... apa yang perlu anda lakukan... daftar sebagai ahli dengan RM450 (3 brg produk Dr. Rozmey)... dan anda bolehlah berkerjaya dengan DDR... key...

Gini....mmmm sebut pasal slim, nak kurus... aku sendiri pun nak gak... ni terutama kat punggung... dah kahwin2 ni kita org pompuan yang berkaliber untuk membesar terencat dan cacat bahagian punggung dan perut... betul tak? ada lak tu...kat peha... aduhhhzzz nak pakai jeans levis' pun payah! xxxxxoxxxxoo####
bengang pun ada... ha itu aku dengar dari banyak pihak dan ramai yang mengadu...apa nak uat... aku cuba dah bagi cam2 pandangan... dan aku ni bukan le pakar... ha kalau nak tanya gi le tanya Doktor Rozmey ke... Doktor pakar sakit puan, Dr yang boleh consult le.....

Ha ni pengalaman kawan aku..kesian pun kesian... tapi jadi teladan gak kat kita! hat lelaki si suami udah2le... kondem bini je.... mentang2 badan tak naik... iijhhhhssssh... susah le....

Nini ni bukan le lawa pun agak2 comelle....... bukan le kurus pun... tapi dari dulu2... uuuhh akibat makan pil  perancang le badannya naik mendadak.. nak turun payah... dah 8 tahun Nini makan....last... stop le... katanya hubby dia suruh guna kondom... hishhhh orang lelaki mana nak katanya best.. tak ori.. yele tak tahu pompuan yang menangung! kang terberanak sa lagi kang... mano nak cari uit!!... ahahakzz... lepas tu Nini cuba berdiet.. ...gak2 badannya masa tu beratnya kira2 hampir2 nak 63... ha korang bayangkan..... mana tak berat.....! (tinggi dia gak2 cam aku le), hubby timbang2 berat Nini, nengok2 mak ko meletup! bini dia gemuknya.... patut le dia pegang2 cam berketul2 muscle lemak... uuhhhzzzz... last2 Nini frust le.... tambah2 cik abang dah pandai bersms.... dah pandai bersyg2 kat luar.. lagi naik berang le..

Nini antar sms kat aku... apa yang patut dia uat....

Last but not least... aku suruh dia cari ubat diet.... baru tenang hatinya..... so apa yg dibuat... dia gi li ubat diet kat klinik2 le ubat DURAMINE... ha tu le namaenya kalau aku tak salah eja.... makan dia, dalam beberapa bulan, gila bangat tu.. ku tengok dia slim giler.... leh le pakai lawa2 sikit.... pakai baju mula2 saiz L je... ni dah leh dah S uuhhuukkkzzz suke gak aku nengok... hihhhsss cam nak gak aku makan pil tu tapi takut!!!! sayang tapi sayang,..... tak lama.... dah makan dah slim... dah stop... ha sekarang naik balik.... elok2 jadik 50kg.... last2 dalam tahun ni gak dia naik ke 57 setengah.... kesian kan....

Nilah kita orang pompuan.... susah kan... ada dapat badan dah lawa okele... yang tak naik2 badan tu,.... ha baguslah... cam kita semua yang naik badan... hormon terlebih.... aduhhhhh sayang... nak pakai baju lawa pun tak leh... nak pakai baju kecik saiz s cam balut nangka... uuuhhhzzzz susah betul.... kang pakai baju besar... dah tentunya saiz sendiri... mesti malukan... sebab kena pandang dan kena sindir.. lebih2 lagi kat hubby dan anak2 yang selalu perhatikan kita sentiasa... uuhhhzzzz

Kadang2 aku .nengok... le... bila pompuan hat yang bobok tu bershopping... li baju besar sakan... si promoter tu tau le muda, slim nyelim... jgn le pandang meke ni yang hat tembam tu beli baju.... kesian aku nengok.... cam alien lak meke kan... uuuuhhh!

Sambung lik, key...

Nini akhirnya aku syorkan minum jusmate5... mmmm alhamdullillah baru 3 kotak minum dan turun dah.... atleast berat dah jadi 52 dari 60... key le tuuuu... dia nak turun lagi... ha turun le Nini... asalkan ko sihat udah le......

Tapi lain lak kes ke 2 ni...., dia ni berat asal 48, dah ada anak dah.... sekarang ni berat tak stabil... makan sikit naik mendadak... adeleh mencecah ke 57, baru2 ni dia call aku... tanya le sejak makan jusmate badan tak turun2 pun... makin naik... baru2 ni dari 53 ni elok2 nak stabil berat ke 45... last2 sampai 57... aduhzzz bingung aku,.... itu aku kena call le Doktor mintak dan tanya dia ngapa... sabar ye dik.... nanti kak call u....

uuuhhh penat sikit dah ni.... aku rasa setakat ini je.... nanti kita sambung lagi key!!!

Top Moments: Oprah's Tricks and Treats and Dancing Goes Baywatch

Our top TV moments of the week:

11. Best Drunken Advice: Self-professed "lush" Gwyneth Paltrow had trouble getting into the alcoholic mindset of her character in her upcoming film Country Strong, but she knew exactly who to turn to for some pointers: Robert Downey Jr. Paltrow tells Chelsea Handler on her Big Interview Special that her Iron Man pal "wrote me the most amazing e-mail and he helped me understand it." Or, you know, you could just watch Intervention.

10. Worst Timing: On Chuck, Sarah treks half-way across the world to save Chuck from a Belgian trying to remove the Intersect from his brain. But while Chuck lays trapped in a dream, with each of his non-Intersect memories being ripped out, Sarah declares she found his proposal outline and wants to marry him.

9. Biggest Heartbreaker: After proposing to his ex-wife-turned-girlfriend on House, Wilson is left on one knee with his jaw hanging open when Sam storms away in anger because she thinks he has trust issues stemming from some shady medical paperwork she filed. And to add insult to injury, she walks out on him even after he apologizes — for what, we still don't know.

8. Worst Discovery: While Dexter and Lumen are tracking down those involved with her assault on Dexter, namely Jordan Chase, the inspirational speaker has been doing some digging of his own. Jordan calls Dexter's home — yes, his old home, where Lumen resides. He asks to leave his trademark message for Dexter, "Tick, tick, tick. That's the sound of his life running out," he says before signing off with, "Take care, Lumen."

7. Best Shout-Out: During a game of Truth or Dare on How I Met Your Mother, Zoey dares Marshall to take a picture of his junk and send it to a random number. She asks for MacLaren's patrons to call out numbers. "4815162342," Blitz (guest star and Lost alum Jorge Garcia) says. So there you have it: Hurley's lottery numbers are a phone number.

6. Most Impressive: We know Fred Armisen has seniority over Saturday Night Live newbie Jay Pharoah, but maybe it's time for a change in command when it comes to impersonating President Barack Obama. After sharing his dead-on impressions of Denzel Washington and Will Smith on The Late Show with David Letterman, Pharoah — at the host's request and somewhat sheepishly — unleashes his killer Obama. Be sure to check out Pharoah's arsenal of accurate impersonations here.

5. Best Redemption: After calling Kurt a gay slur last year and then failing to stick up for him against the treacherous school bully, Finn finally learns the true meaning of friendship and acceptance on Glee. He not only performs a special rendition of Bruno Mars' "Just the Way You Are" for Kurt at his mom's wedding to Kurt's dad, but also dances hand-in-hand with Kurt for all to see — a big step for our favorite (if not slightly ignorant) leading man.

4. Best Discovery: A testament to The Good Wife's ability to perfectly balance the Case of the Week with serialized storytelling, Alicia finally finds out about the "I've loved you for 15 years" voicemail Will left her (and Eli promptly deleted without telling her) while listening to wiretap evidence on a client. Stunned and at least a little delighted, she rushes to his office to discuss the meaning behind the message when Will's sort-of girlfriend Tammy pops in. To be continued soon? Please?

3. Most Self-Aware: Yeah, yeah, Jennifer Grey won Dancing with the Stars, but the true champ is David Hasselhoff. Back for one last dance, the actor, who was eliminated first, busts out his old Baywatch gear — and his own bikini-clad dancers, including partner Kym Johnson — to dance and sing "I'm Always Here" (the Baywatch theme) for some good ol' self-deprecating, cheesy fun. Makes us wonder what could've been this season.

2. American Idol Award: The world got a blast from boy band past on the American Music Awards when New Kids on the Block took the stage with the Backstreet Boys — henceforth known as NKOTBSB — for their first-ever live TV performance. The boy band behemoth performed a snappily choreographed mash-up of each group's greatest hits — BSB's "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)," "I Want It That Way" and "Larger Than Life," and NKOTB's' "Hangin' Tough," "Step By Step" and "You Got It (The Right Stuff)" — that had everyone from lifelong fans to Train's Pat Monahan on their feet and singing along, all hailing the once and future pop gods.

1. Trick and Treat Award: Feeling extra generous in her last year in syndication, Oprah Winfrey planned two episodes of the mass hysteria/ode to consumerism that is "Oprah's Favorite Things" — excuse us, make that "Oprah's Ultimate Favorite Things." Pulling a fast one on audience No. 2, Winfrey tells the clueless crowd that they must be disappointed to not be beneficiaries of her largesse after seeing audience No. 1 file out with a sleigh-ful of new loot (including a 3-D TV that retails for $3,600). But then ... out rolls an ornament. "It's beginning to look a lot like ... FAVORITE THIIIIIIIIIIIINGS!" she bellows. This group lucks out with maybe the only thing better than a 3-D TV: the revamped 2012 Volkswagen Beetle that won't even be revealed for another six months. What are we going to do without Santa O next year?


Hai.... ni bukanlah suatu cerita rekaan penipuan.... cerita benar2 belaka.... kadang2 kita merasakan dunia ni penuh sangat ngan hipokrit atau non realiti but try to transform the situation become real!!! ahuakzz....  den what will happen if this boy or girl says..... just ignored wat there try to do.. ahahk otherwise they don't think who o to whom they want to take their risks! omg! apa le aku merepek ni....

Back to my story key..... ada le sorang pompuan ni... muka memang cantik... cutting semua ada tapi ah... sayang bercouple ngan budak kureng umur darinya... budak mentah tu ada le upe sikit... alah2 klon si shahir... tapi entahlah gaya cam budak tu je yang terhegeh2 kat lelaki ni sedangkan lelaki ni tak serius pun... ramai gewe le katakan.... budak pompuan ni bagile pinjam kete, pinjam duit... ahhha silap2 pinjam body pun kot! uhhhkkkz dosa tau!....
Entahlah....kadang2 mungkin faktor usia kot! bukan tak laku aku nengok budak tu... tapi entahlah... cam kesian pun ada....aku kesian gak kat hamba hawa ni... menagih kasih yang tak pasti sedangkan budak adam ni dah syok2 guna cam2 facilities dari si hawa ni... uhhhrgg!!!

Itulah selalu kita saran.. mak abah pertegahkan jgn kawin ngan lelaki bawah umur kita... biar kita kawin ngan org tua takpe.... hiiishhh tua2 tak best!tak syok... tak feelllll hhhaaaa feel tak feeling ko kata amik... baru  couple ngan meke dah clash... kang baru kawin.. dah masuk mahkamah.... cam artis2 kan... uhukkk....

Anyway... story naik loriiii ada lagi yang hendak dibicarakan.... sebentar kita ketemu juga nyok!!!


What To Do About Kidney Stones

One of my partners is prone to kidney stones and if there one experience I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, that is it. There is probably no equivalent on the pain level level of kidney stones, save childbirth, and many women who have had children and kidney stones would tell you kidney stones are worse. The last time he had an attack, he had to go to the ER and after a few shots of morphine, the stone finally passed. You can actually pass small kidney stones and not even know it, but bigger stones, which range from the tip of a pencil to the size of a pencil eraser, are a different matter altogether. Medical experts aren't exactly sure what causes kidney stones.That's right. Doctors, even with all the advances in technology, still don't have the answers to many medical problems. The only thing they know for sure, here, is that diet plays a role. What you eat affects the kinds and amounts of minerals that accumulate in the urine...minerals that, in some people, lead to the formation of stones. The most important thing to take away from this is that if you've passed one stone, the odds are pretty good that you'll pass another.Your doctor can identify what kind of stones you have and that is important, because changes in your diet can help, particularly with the two most common stones, which are uric acid and calcium stones. Potassium is a "stone crusher" and you can get it into your diet by eating bananas, or citrus fruit, such as oranges, or grapefruit. You can also use a supplement, but if you eat the fruit, you also get the fiber, which is important. Magnesium is also important and helps to control another mineral called oxalate (oxalic acid). Oxalate is one of the main constituents of kidney stones. Fish, rice, avocados and broccoli contain good amounts of magnesium.Your doctor may recommend that you stay away from, or restrict, certain foods, like chocolate, peanuts and other nuts, spinach and strawberries. Most of the time, he'll tell you you can eat these foods, just don't eat them more than once a week. Fiber can also help. I don't recommend you add commercial fiber, just eat real food with a higher fiber content. For example, don't drink apple juice; eat the apple, instead. Many people that suffer from kidney stones also have their energy levels drop. You can stay on top of this by taking my Heart Charging Formula. This special, highly bioavailable form of CoQ10 will give you the boost you need to stay in balance:

I'll be back tomorrow with more. With my best wishes for your optimum health,.............

Dr. Bill

Are Hot Peppers Good For You?

Every now and then, I like some food with some real zip. It's not an everyday kind of thing, it's just something I like once in a while. And I like to eat that spicy food during the day, not at night. Eating really hot food at night rattles my system a little too much. As more and more ethnic restaurants appear on the horizon, peppers of all kinds are making appearances in the marketplace. It used to be that jalapenos were the hottest peppers you could find at the grocery store, but no more. In a market I visited this weekend,
there were probably two dozen peppers that fell into the "hot" category. Many of them were hot, way beyond my capacity to tolerate. But I saw many people test them, by just biting in. Some of those would have blown my head right off, but didn't appear to affect the testers, in any way.  When I grew up, people would tell you that hot food wasn't good for you. It was their way of steering you away from Indian and Chinese cuisine and keeping you coming back, for the blander, milder things that they produced. As I got older and a little more well traveled, I began to get bored with all the everyday stuff I'd been feeding on for years. It started in the Caribbean, where I was introduced to a number of things that had a heat level I wasn't used to. Then it continued in Mexico and in a good number of joints in New York.
Peppers are filled with nutrients that have been shown to battle cancer, heart disease and eye problems, specifically cataracts.

Peppers are full of beta carotene and vitamin C. Beta carotene plays a huge role in keeping the body's immune system healthy. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. One cup of red bell pepper has twice the amount of Vitamin C as an orange, which is usually regarded as "the source" for vitamin C. Eating peppers raw is the best way to get the most out of them, as cooking destroys many of the nutrients. This is where the Mexicans had everything figured out, when they came up with salsa, one of the greatest ways to get a good amount of  pepper in your system. And the wonderful thing about salsa is that you can use all colors of pepper, not to mention that you can vary the heat level to your own taste.
Hot peppers won't hurt you, if you exercise caution. If you're not used to them, start down at the bottom of the heat scale. Peppers have their own heat rating, called the Scoville scale. Bell Peppers are at the bottom and you can move up, in steps. I never got past the Serrano stage, which is about 6000 on the Scoville scale. Habernero's run at about 250,000 on the index, and can light you up. A friend of mine once slapped habernero sauce on everything at a BBQ. It can fool you, because it can have a sweet front end. He ended up in the hospital where they had to cool him off (they used ice cream). He also needed some cooling salve for one of his body parts. But the heat you can stand is good for you and the antoxidants will keep flu and common colds at a distance.  A very quick, and supercharged antioxidant drink would be 5 carrots and 2 green peppers, in a juicer. I often add a pepper, of some sort, to my morning smoothie and wash down my Heart Charging Formula with it:

Lately, that concoction consists of 1 cup of fresh pinneapple, a banana, 1 cup of celery, 1 cup of cucumber, a pepper, half an apple, and two cups of spinach. I add a little water and blend, then drink that all morning. You could add a protein powder to that, if you wanted to, as well. I'll be back with more tomorrow. With my best wishes for your optimum health,..................
Dr. Bill


5 Foods You Must Know About to KILL Fat

Eating At Night Make You Fat

Like many questions I often pose here, there are a number of ways to answer this question. My first answer is this: It made me fat. Let's go into the why. When I was making incisions and drilling, shaving and pounding for a living, I had to work until the job was finished. There were no union rules that said that at 4 PM you were finished and you headed home. No...when you have a live person on the table, there are no second bites at the apple. You finish the job, no matter how long it takes.

This meant that, although I had a schedule, it didn't mean I was going to be finished when that time came. I often worked late and that didn't count being called in for emergencies. Sometimes, I was no sooner in the front door than I was heading back out again. I ate when I could and I ate what was available, which in those days was mostly junk.Then, when I finally did finish, I had to unwind. I usually did this over a pizza, often putting a large one away, by myself. If it wasn't pizza, it might have been a couple of takeout Chinese dishes,
which aren't exactly on the low end of the fat scale, either. What I was doing was eating a large amount of heavy carbohydrate-laden food just before bedtime. It was more than probability that I was going to store that food as fat...it was reality.

Now...on the other hand, eating at night does not make you fat, IF:Your diet is completely balanced and you are in a caloric deficit and need to eat to get the right amount of calories. This would pertain to people who are very active and by that, I mean those who are working out regularly. Eating for this type is often necessary, but they wouldn't be eating a box of freshly made donuts and washing it down with whole milk, which was a hospital staple. As a general rule, if you can swing it, you shouldn't really be eating after say...7 PM. And if you're eating after that hour, make sure you're getting good, fresh, healthy food. One successful rule of a great many weight loss programs is the simple:


Here are a few reasons why this works:You are less active at night and you are burning fewer calories.Your metabolism is slowest while you're sleeping.You release more insulin at night, compared to morning.Your glycogen stores are fuller after a day of eating, so you aremore likely to store excess carbohydrate as fat, instead of storing it as muscle glycogen. So, if you don't eat after a certain time daily...you can probablycount on accelerating blubber loss.It has worked for me and many others. If you take my Powerhouse Omega Formula and stop eating after 7PM,you'll really ratchet up the blubber loss.I'll be back tomorrow with more.

With my best wishes for your optimum health,
Dr. Bill


" Cara Untuk Kurus Tanpa ubat-ubatan

9. Biar makan kerap dengan kuantiti yang sedikit daripada makan hanya sekali, dua tetapi dengan kuantiti yang banyak.
10. Jika anda terasa ingin makan snek atau makanan ringan, beruslah gigi anda atau kunyahlah gula-gula getah. Rasa mint atau berangin di mulut akan membantutkan selera anda.
11. Kurangkan pengambilan marjerin, butter dalam makanan anda. Kalau boleh, usah ada di dalam peti ais anda.
12. Apabila makan di restoran atau gerai , pesanlah air limau nipis atau jus oren kerana minuman masam menggalakan pembakaran lemak. Mintalah minuman yang kurang gula.
13. Buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran adalah sumber terbaik untuk vitamin, mineral dan serat dan kandungan lemak yang rendah.
14. Jangan timbang berat badan anda setiap hari kerana anda tidak akan nampak perubahannya. Jika anda minum banyak, dan waktu itu anda timbang berat badan yang pastinya meningkat, mungkin anda akan berputus asa untuk berdiet
15. Ambil makanan yang berempah Sesetengah rempah seperti cili, biji sawi, didapati boleh membakar kalori. Penambahan lada hitam bukan sahaja meningkatkan penghadaman, ia juga meningkatkan pembakaran lemak.
16. Pilih Lebih Banyak Bijirin dan Kekacang Dalam Makanan
17. SIMPAN SATU DIARI - Simpan satu diari makanan boleh berpengaruh besar dalam proses penurunan berat badan. Rekodkan dalam sehari, berapa kali anda makan dan berapa banyak, tahap kelaparan yang memerlukan anda makan, dan perasaan anda ketika makan. Diari makanan boleh membuatkan anda peka kepada keinginan makan anda. Setelah beberapa lama membuat catatan, perhati dan kenal pasti di mana anda boleh membuat atau perbaiki tabiat pemakanan anda kepada yang lebih sihat. Diari ini juga boleh membuatkan anda lebih fokus dan lebih komited terhadap pelan diet anda. Mulakan diari makanan anda dan rajin-rajinlah membuat catatan.
Ramai orang lebih berjaya dalam penurunan berat badan dalam jangka masa panjang apabila mereka menukar motif mereka daripada untuk kurus kepada untuk kekal sihat dan segar. Tukarlah fikiran anda untuk memikirkan dan memilih makanan apa yang boleh menyihatkan tubuh badan.
19. Cara memasak paling baik untuk mengurangi jumlah kalori dalam makanan adalah merebus memanggang atau mengukus. Khusus untuk sayuran, anda boleh menumisnya dengan sedikit minyak(misalnya satu sudu minyak masak). Hindari minyak atau lemak haiwan.
20. Ketika memilih piring makanan , ambilah piring yang rata dan bukan piring cekung. Ambil sayuran dahulu untuk memenuhi piring, kemudian baru nasi dan yang terakhir, lauk dagingnya. Jika ingin tambah, hanya sayuran yang boleh anda ambil. Jangan lupa, makanlah di meja makan dan jangan di sembarang tempat apa lagi sambil menonton tv. Sebab, makin menarik program tv, semakin banyak makanan ringan yang anda habiskan!
21. Selain memberi peluang makanan untuk turun , kebiasaan berjalan-jalan sesudah makan akan membantu menghabiskan sebahagian kalori dari makanan itu. Setiap 25 langkah anda berjalan satu kalori akan diguna. Lebih-lebih lagi anda menaiki tangga. Tentu saja semua ini harus dilakukan dengan santai kerana perut anda baru saja terisi.
22. Khusus bagi kaum wanita , yang juga perlu diperhatikan adalah tabiat berbelanja dan memasak. Seelok-eloknya, tidak berbelanja semasa perut kosong. Rancanglah perbelanjaan sesuai dengan keperluan. Jika ingin membeli makanan, kunjungilah dahulu gerai buah dan sayuran. Gerai makanan segera harus anda kunjungi paling akhir sekali jika memang benar-benar memerlukannya.
23. Untuk mengempiskan perut , gerakan punggung yang ringan tetapi lama akan lebih efektif. Latihan dapat dilakukan dengan alat seperti untuk permainan hula hoop. Gerakan ini mungkin boleh disamakan dengan gerakan penari gelek, dangdut atau hula-hula yang memiliki perut lebih kecil dan cantik.
24. Kurangkan pengambilan gula kerana setiap satu sudu gula mengandungi 32 kilokalori.
25. Beberapa aktiviti fizikal yang mudah untuk langsing
i. Jalan cepat. Gunalah kasut yang cukup selesa dipakai agar kaki tidak melecet dan sihat
ii. Gunakan tangga untuk naik ke tingkat atas. Jika terlalu tinggi,naik tangga untuk beberapa tingkat, kemudian sambunglah denagan menaiki lif
iii. Renang adalah latihan menyeluruh. Berenang dengan laju dengan nafas yang dalam
iv. Bersenam atau peregangan, sangat baik bagi otot-otot dan sendi-sendi yang kaku. Melenturkan otot dapat melancarkan peredaran darah
v. Tunggang basikal dan kayuh perlahan-lahan tetapi dalam tempoh yang lama. Ini dapat mencantik dan merampingkan peha."

Atkins Nutritional Approach / Atkins Diet

Peringatan: Pregnant ladies dan yang sedang menyusu baby tidak digalakkan mengamalkan Atkins Diet. Consult doctor anda beforehand.

Atkins Diet ialah sejenis corak pemakanan yang diperkenalkan oleh Dr. Robert C. Atkins bagi membantu seseorang individu untuk mengurangkan berat badan melalui konsep pembakaran karbohidrat (carbohydrate) dan lemak di dalam badan.
Dengan mengurangkan dan menghadkan makanan berkarbohidrat seperti nasi, mi, kentang dan gula, badan akan mula membakar lemak sebagai bahanapi. Ini bereti berat badan anda akan mula menyusut.
Dr Atkins mula mengembangkan idea �karbohidrat rendah dalam pemakanan� semenjak tahun 1970an lagi tapi kurang mendapat sambutan. Pada masa itu ramai rakyat Amerika telah mengikuti �low-fat diet� atau diet rendah lemak.
Melalui �low-fat� diet, ada yang tidak berjaya mengurangkan lemak badan kerana walaupun mereka menghadkan makanan berlemak, mereka masih mengambil makanan berkarbohidrat dan bergula, seperti meminum lebih banyak jus, memakan roti dan kentang berlebihan. Yang berjaya menurunkan berat badan pula selalunya akan kembali ke berat badan asal dalam masa 1-2 tahun kerana kebanyakkan diet yang diperkenalan menyebabkan mereka sentiasa terasa lapar dan tak mampu mengikut teknik low-fat diet itu buat masa yang lama.
Dr Atkin telah membuat kajian mengenai �low carbohydrate diet� dan mendapati yang mereka yang mengamalkan pemakanang kurang dalam karbohidrat tetapi tinggi dengan protein mampu menghilangkan berat badan yang berlebihan dan kekal dalam keadaan langsing seumur hidup.
Atkins Nutritional Approach (ANA) dibahagikan kepada 4 peringkat utama yang perlu diikuti dengan penuh berdisiplin dan dedikasi jika anda ingin mencapai tubuh langsing impian anda. 4 peringkatnya ialah:

1. Induction (permulaan dan pengenalan) � 2 minggu atau lebih, mengikut keadaan dan berat badan.
2. Ongoing Weight Loss (penyusutan berat berterusan)
3. Pre-maintenance
4. Lifetime Maintenance

Induction ialah peringkat terpenting sekali dalam Atkins Diet kerana ia adalah tapak permulaan kepada corak pemakanan yang berbeza daripada apa yang pernah anda lalui selama ini. Induction sebaik-baiknya dilakukan selama 2 minggu (paling kurang) dan boleh diteruskan selama 6 bulan sehingga 2 tahun, mengikut keadaan kesihatan dan berat badan anda. Yang pasti, lagi berat badan anda atau lagi susah untuk anda menghilangkan berat badan (atau kedua-duanya sekali), lagi lama anda patut berada pada tahap Induction.

* Mesej ini telah diedit oleh Galadriel pada 09hb Jul 2004 8.41:13 mlm


dR Rozmey - Demonstrasi Cara Minum Jus Mate 5

dR Rozmey : Info Jus Mate 5

Video Membuat Pesanan



Jus Mate 5 Produk Ajaib
Syarikat yang kukuh dan berdaya saing

Hasil kajian pakar, Doktor Che Rozmey Che Din. Penyelidikan selama 15 tahun dalam bidang perubatan perbidanan, obesiti dan bio-herb

Produk-produk ini telah diakui ramai dengan kebolehannya memberi kesan yang begitu ajaib dan selamat.

Keajaiban produk Dr Rozmey telah tersebar melalui media tempatan seperti di akhbar Harian Metro, Majalah Faminin & Family, Apprentice, Berita Harian dan internet.

- Pelan pemasaran mudah
- Tiada bayaran pendaftaran
- Keahlian seumur hidup
- Produk ajaib yang di akui ramai
- Tumpuan pakar dalam penyelidikan pembangunan produk secara berterusan
- Produk hasil kajian pakar perubatan terkenal & diiktiraf
- Disokong kuat oleh pakar penyelidik obesiti, Dr Che Rozmey dan Herba Prima Sdn. Bhd.
- Anda usahawan bebas, bekerja mengikut masa anda

Anda adalah bakal Jutawan HPM, bertindak sekarang!
Keahlian HPM adalah percuma dengan pembelian 3 produk HPM. Setiap produk berharga;

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KENAPA DIET GAGAL | dRHPM.com :: Keajaiban Produk Kesihatan Dan Kecantikan

KENAPA DIET GAGAL | dRHPM.com :: Keajaiban Produk Kesihatan Dan Kecantikan JITRA, 7 Feb (HPM) – Setiap insan terutamanya wanita pasti menginginkan bentuk badan yang cantik dan menawan. Terdapat cara terbaik untuk menggunakan diari diet untuk dijadikan rujukan pengambilan kalori setiap hari. 1.Catatkan berat badan anda. Buat sekali catatan tentang ukuran pinggang, paha, dada, pinggul, tekanan darah, dan kadar kolestrol. 2.Tentukan sasaran berat badan yang perlu anda turunkan dalam jangka masa sebulan akan datang. 3.Cuba tentukan sasaran untuk menurunkan berat badan dalam tempoh seminggu antara ½ hingga 1 kg. 4.Tentukan tahap kalori yang boleh membantu anda menurunkan berat badan mengikut tahap-tahapnya. Contoh kalori yang disarankan ialah 1000-1500 kalori. 5.Catatkan semua makanan, minuman atau kudapan yang telah anda ambil. Kira jumlah kalori dan lemak. 6.Catat latihan/senaman yang telah anda lakukan setiap hari. Mula buat sasaran untuk membakar kalori sebanyak 2500-3000 kalori setiap hari. 7.Hasilnya pada malam hari, buat pengiraan pengurangan kalori makanan dan kalori latihan yang dilakukan. 8.Pada hujung minggu pula, buat pengiraan dan hasil yang telah anda gunakan untuk kalori dan lemak. Buat lakaran grafik pada diari anda tadi untuk melihat kekurangan berat badan yang telah anda capai.


Produk Ajaib Dr Romzey

Hasil kajian pakar, Doktor Che Rozmey Che Din. Penyelidikan selama 15 tahun dalam bidang perubatan perbidanan, obesiti dan bio-herb.Produk-produk ini telah diakui ramai dengan kebolehannya memberi kesan yang begitu ajaib dan selamat.Keajaiban produk Dr Rozmey telah tersebar melalui media tempatan seperti di akhbar HARIAN METRO, MAJALAH FAMININ & FAMILY, APPRENTICE, BERITA HARIAN dan internet.


Tips from Dr.Bill

You can go into any large gym in the country and see scores of folks
on treadmills, ellipticals, stairclimbers, stationary bikes and
spinning machines. They think that using these machines for long
periods of time will help them lose weight and get fit.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

In fact, overdoing the cardio, or overexercising in any form, can
have a deleterious effect on your health. This might come as quite a
surprise to the health industry and to the millions of people who
are doing themselves more harm than good.

As it pertains to weight loss, the idea of exhausting calories
through constant exercise has proven to be inaccurate.
Overexercising actually increases your appetite, as many a
discouraged Lardassian has found out, the hard way. The combination
of stressful exercise and extra eating winds up being a fat

The way to break the fat gridlock is to move regularly, at a slow,
easy pace. You can do this by walking, hiking, cycling, or by any
light aerobic activity. This is far different advice than you will
get from 99% of personal trainers and gym rats, who usually advise
raising your heartbeat to an almost maximum level and then
sustaining that level for a period of time.

This may be the way to train elite athletes, but most of us don't
fit in that category. To lose some weight, you need to operate in
the 55 to 75% of maximum heart rate capacity. That's good enough to
get results, and you'll avoid the need to take in more fuel, which
won't help you at all.

Now I'm sure that someone is thinking, "Should I ever run fast, or

The answer to that is: Yes.

If you want to max out, you can do it once, maybe twice a week.
Believe me, you don't need to do that much, or for very long. This
type of workout should only be done, once you get yourself into
moderately good shape. I have used this with a lot of success and it
doesn't take but 15 minutes, maximum.

When I started doing this, I measured off about 40 yards. I then
sprinted the forty yards, as fast as I could go. (I did this up a
hill, because of my bad knees.) Then, I walked back to the starting
point, which gave me a minute of rest, and then I did it again. When
I started this, I could only do 5 sprints and they really took the
wind out of my sails. I can now do 13 or 14, but usually I only do 8
or 10. That's it, that's the entire workout and you don't need a
minute more.

The actual exercise time is about 20-25 seconds for each sprint. (So
you can obviously see I'm not Usain Bolt.)

You also need to warm up before and stretch out after this type of
exercise. You will get even more benefits from walking and this
short sprinting session, once or twice a week, than from many hours
of mind numbing and stress inducing cardio. Yes...long cardio
sessions induce a lot of stress, which tempers any metabolic

If you want to get old before your time, keep logging those marathon
cardio sessions. If you want to stay young, listen to me and take my
Powerhouse Omega Formula, along with moderate exercise and eating

How Not To Fix Your Tush

While most of us have a little common sense, the closer you get to
the Jersey Shore, the more precious that commodity becomes. In a FOX
NEWS story, written by David Gutierrez, it appears that some serious
shortcuts were taken on six New Jersey women, who thought they could
improve their hindquarters on the cheap, which is never a good idea
when you talk about plastic surgery.

All six women ended up being hospitalized...after having their "S"
shot up with...bathroom caulking.

Hospital sources, who asked to remain anonymous, said that the
womens's tucchusez looked like "moonscapes." (I don't think that was
meant as a compliment.)

In addition to the caulking, there were traces of petroleum jelly
and non-medical grade silicone, all the stuff you might use to keep
water from running down the walls and ceilings.

In a bit of unintended humor, an official from the state voiced
concerns over "back alley butt jobs." He also added this gem, "If it
looks too cheap, there's probably a reason it's too cheap. (You can
always count on a bureaucrat to add something to a story.)

The president of the New Jersey Society of Plastic Surgeons says
that "butt jobs" are relatively rare, and the reason is that the
surgery has big risks, chief among them that the silicone can shift,
when you sit down. (Giving new life to "Howse it hangin'?")

In other important news, my latest project, Exercise for People Over
50, is almost ready.

Here's the first exercise:

Begin by standing on a comfortable surface, where you have plenty
of room at each side.

With a 5 lb potato bag in each hand, extend your arms straight out
from your sides and hold them as long as you can. Try to reach a
full minute and then, relax.

With each passing day, you'll find that you can hold this position a
little longer. After a couple of weeks, move up to 10 lb bags.

Then try 25 lb, 50 lb, and eventually try to get to where you can
lift a 100 lb potato bag in each hand and hold your arms straight
for a full minute.

(I'm at this level.)

After you feel confident at that level, put a potato in each bag.

I'll be back tomorrow with more.

With my best wishes for your optimum health,
from Dr.Bill


New Straits Times

Exercise to stay calm
By Gretchen Reynolds

RESEARCHERS at Princeton University recently made a remarkable discovery about the brains of rats that exercise. Some of their neurons respond differently to stress than the neurons of slothful rats.
Scientists have known for some time that exercise stimulates the creation of new brain cells (neurons) but not how, precisely, these neurons might be functionally different from other brain cells. In the experiment, preliminary results of which were presented last month at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in Chicago, scientists allowed one group of rats to run.

Another set of rodents was not allowed to exercise.

Then all of the rats swam in cold water, which they don't like to do.

Afterward, the scientists examined the animals' brains.

They found that the stress of the swimming activated neurons in all of the brains.

(The researchers could tell which neurons were activated because the cells expressed specific genes in response to the stress.) But the youngest brain cells in the running rats, the cells that the scientists assumed were created by running, were less likely to express the genes.

They generally remained quiet.

The "cells born from running," the researchers concluded, appeared to have been "specifically buffered from exposure to a stressful experience." The rats had created, through running, a brain that seemed biochemically, molecularly, calm. For years, both in popular imagination and in scientific circles, it has been a given that exercise enhances mood.

But how exercise, a physiological activity, might directly affect mood and anxiety-psychological states was unclear.

Now, thanks in no small part to improved research techniques and a growing understanding of the biochemistry and the genetics of thought itself, scientists are beginning to tease out how exercise remodels the brain, making it more resistant to stress.

In work undertaken at the University of Colorado, Boulder, for instance, scientists have examined the role of serotonin, a neurotransmitter often considered to be the "happy" brain chemical.

That simplistic view of serotonin has been undermined by other researchers, and the University of Colorado work further dilutes the idea.

In those experiments, rats taught to feel helpless and anxious, by being exposed to a laboratory stressor, showed increased serotonin activity in their brains.

But rats that had run for several weeks before being stressed showed less serotonin activity and were less anxious and helpless despite the stress. Moderate exercise, though, appears to dampen the effects of oxidative stress.

In an experiment led by researchers at the University of Houston and reported at the Society for Neuroscience meeting, rats whose oxidative-stress levels had been artificially increased with injections of certain chemicals were extremely anxious when faced with unfamiliar terrain during laboratory testing.

But rats that had exercised, even if they had received the oxidising chemical, were relatively non-chalant under stress.

When placed in the unfamiliar space, they didn't run for dark corners and hide, like the unexercised rats. "It looks more and more like the positive stress of exercise prepares cells and structures and pathways within the brain so that they're more equipped to handle stress in other forms," says Michael Hopkins, a graduate student affiliated with the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory Laboratory at Dartmouth, who has been studying how exercise differently affects thinking and emotion.

"It's pretty amazing, really, that you can get this translation from the realm of purely physical stresses to the realm of psychological stressors." The stress-reducing changes wrought by exercise on the brain don't happen overnight, however, as virtually every researcher agrees.

In the University of Colorado experiments, for instance, rats that ran for only three weeks did not show much reduction in stress-induced anxiety, but those that ran for at least six weeks did.

Research associate Benjamin Greenwood said that it was "not clear how that translates" into an exercise prescription for humans.

We may require more weeks of working out, or maybe less.

And no one has yet studied how intense the exercise needs to be.

But the lesson, he says, is "don't quit." Keep running or cycling or swimming.

(Animal experiments have focused exclusively on aerobic, endurance-type activities.) You may not feel a magical reduction of stress after your first jog, if you haven't been exercising.

But the molecular biochemical changes will begin, he says.

And eventually, he says, they become "profound."


Human Resources Management

Human Resources Management The HRM function and HRD profession have undergone tremendous change over the past 20-30 years. Many years ago, large organizations looked to the "Personnel Department," mostly to manage the paperwork around hiring and paying people. More recently, organizations consider the "HR Department" as playing a major role in staffing, training and helping to manage people so that people and the organization are performing at maximum capability in a highly fulfilling manner. Recently, the phrase "talent management" is being used to refer the activities to attract, develop and retain employees. Some people and organizations use the phrase to refer especially to talented and/or high-potential employees.


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Kangen Band – Kembali Pulang

bintang terlihat terang

saat dirimu datang

cinta yang dulu hilang

kini kembali pulang

lihatlah dia mulai bernyanyi

coba merangkai mimpi

cinta yang dulu pergi

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akan ku bawa dia terbang

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betapa senang ku dendangkan

dan takkan ku lepaskan

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dengan kekasihku dulu

wajahmu mengingatkanku

dengan masa laluku

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