
Tips from Dr.Bill

You can go into any large gym in the country and see scores of folks
on treadmills, ellipticals, stairclimbers, stationary bikes and
spinning machines. They think that using these machines for long
periods of time will help them lose weight and get fit.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

In fact, overdoing the cardio, or overexercising in any form, can
have a deleterious effect on your health. This might come as quite a
surprise to the health industry and to the millions of people who
are doing themselves more harm than good.

As it pertains to weight loss, the idea of exhausting calories
through constant exercise has proven to be inaccurate.
Overexercising actually increases your appetite, as many a
discouraged Lardassian has found out, the hard way. The combination
of stressful exercise and extra eating winds up being a fat

The way to break the fat gridlock is to move regularly, at a slow,
easy pace. You can do this by walking, hiking, cycling, or by any
light aerobic activity. This is far different advice than you will
get from 99% of personal trainers and gym rats, who usually advise
raising your heartbeat to an almost maximum level and then
sustaining that level for a period of time.

This may be the way to train elite athletes, but most of us don't
fit in that category. To lose some weight, you need to operate in
the 55 to 75% of maximum heart rate capacity. That's good enough to
get results, and you'll avoid the need to take in more fuel, which
won't help you at all.

Now I'm sure that someone is thinking, "Should I ever run fast, or

The answer to that is: Yes.

If you want to max out, you can do it once, maybe twice a week.
Believe me, you don't need to do that much, or for very long. This
type of workout should only be done, once you get yourself into
moderately good shape. I have used this with a lot of success and it
doesn't take but 15 minutes, maximum.

When I started doing this, I measured off about 40 yards. I then
sprinted the forty yards, as fast as I could go. (I did this up a
hill, because of my bad knees.) Then, I walked back to the starting
point, which gave me a minute of rest, and then I did it again. When
I started this, I could only do 5 sprints and they really took the
wind out of my sails. I can now do 13 or 14, but usually I only do 8
or 10. That's it, that's the entire workout and you don't need a
minute more.

The actual exercise time is about 20-25 seconds for each sprint. (So
you can obviously see I'm not Usain Bolt.)

You also need to warm up before and stretch out after this type of
exercise. You will get even more benefits from walking and this
short sprinting session, once or twice a week, than from many hours
of mind numbing and stress inducing cardio. Yes...long cardio
sessions induce a lot of stress, which tempers any metabolic

If you want to get old before your time, keep logging those marathon
cardio sessions. If you want to stay young, listen to me and take my
Powerhouse Omega Formula, along with moderate exercise and eating

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