

Hi! kekawan sekelian... yang masih dalam dilema.... usah kabut2... rilex.... yang masih mencari produk untuk slim.... meh join saya dengan jusmate.... berminat sila hubungi saya, 013-6288811... saya akan menjawab panggilan anda secepat mungkin... proses penghantaran 3 hari je... dan percuma... apa yang perlu anda lakukan... daftar sebagai ahli dengan RM450 (3 brg produk Dr. Rozmey)... dan anda bolehlah berkerjaya dengan DDR... key...

Gini....mmmm sebut pasal slim, nak kurus... aku sendiri pun nak gak... ni terutama kat punggung... dah kahwin2 ni kita org pompuan yang berkaliber untuk membesar terencat dan cacat bahagian punggung dan perut... betul tak? ada lak tu...kat peha... aduhhhzzz nak pakai jeans levis' pun payah! xxxxxoxxxxoo####
bengang pun ada... ha itu aku dengar dari banyak pihak dan ramai yang mengadu...apa nak uat... aku cuba dah bagi cam2 pandangan... dan aku ni bukan le pakar... ha kalau nak tanya gi le tanya Doktor Rozmey ke... Doktor pakar sakit puan, Dr yang boleh consult le.....

Ha ni pengalaman kawan aku..kesian pun kesian... tapi jadi teladan gak kat kita! hat lelaki si suami udah2le... kondem bini je.... mentang2 badan tak naik... iijhhhhssssh... susah le....

Nini ni bukan le lawa pun agak2 comelle....... bukan le kurus pun... tapi dari dulu2... uuuhh akibat makan pil  perancang le badannya naik mendadak.. nak turun payah... dah 8 tahun Nini makan....last... stop le... katanya hubby dia suruh guna kondom... hishhhh orang lelaki mana nak katanya best.. tak ori.. yele tak tahu pompuan yang menangung! kang terberanak sa lagi kang... mano nak cari uit!!... ahahakzz... lepas tu Nini cuba berdiet.. ...gak2 badannya masa tu beratnya kira2 hampir2 nak 63... ha korang bayangkan..... mana tak berat.....! (tinggi dia gak2 cam aku le), hubby timbang2 berat Nini, nengok2 mak ko meletup! bini dia gemuknya.... patut le dia pegang2 cam berketul2 muscle lemak... uuhhhzzzz... last2 Nini frust le.... tambah2 cik abang dah pandai bersms.... dah pandai bersyg2 kat luar.. lagi naik berang le..

Nini antar sms kat aku... apa yang patut dia uat....

Last but not least... aku suruh dia cari ubat diet.... baru tenang hatinya..... so apa yg dibuat... dia gi li ubat diet kat klinik2 le ubat DURAMINE... ha tu le namaenya kalau aku tak salah eja.... makan dia, dalam beberapa bulan, gila bangat tu.. ku tengok dia slim giler.... leh le pakai lawa2 sikit.... pakai baju mula2 saiz L je... ni dah leh dah S uuhhuukkkzzz suke gak aku nengok... hihhhsss cam nak gak aku makan pil tu tapi takut!!!! sayang tapi sayang,..... tak lama.... dah makan dah slim... dah stop... ha sekarang naik balik.... elok2 jadik 50kg.... last2 dalam tahun ni gak dia naik ke 57 setengah.... kesian kan....

Nilah kita orang pompuan.... susah kan... ada dapat badan dah lawa okele... yang tak naik2 badan tu,.... ha baguslah... cam kita semua yang naik badan... hormon terlebih.... aduhhhhh sayang... nak pakai baju lawa pun tak leh... nak pakai baju kecik saiz s cam balut nangka... uuuhhhzzzz susah betul.... kang pakai baju besar... dah tentunya saiz sendiri... mesti malukan... sebab kena pandang dan kena sindir.. lebih2 lagi kat hubby dan anak2 yang selalu perhatikan kita sentiasa... uuhhhzzzz

Kadang2 aku .nengok... le... bila pompuan hat yang bobok tu bershopping... li baju besar sakan... si promoter tu tau le muda, slim nyelim... jgn le pandang meke ni yang hat tembam tu beli baju.... kesian aku nengok.... cam alien lak meke kan... uuuuhhh!

Sambung lik, key...

Nini akhirnya aku syorkan minum jusmate5... mmmm alhamdullillah baru 3 kotak minum dan turun dah.... atleast berat dah jadi 52 dari 60... key le tuuuu... dia nak turun lagi... ha turun le Nini... asalkan ko sihat udah le......

Tapi lain lak kes ke 2 ni...., dia ni berat asal 48, dah ada anak dah.... sekarang ni berat tak stabil... makan sikit naik mendadak... adeleh mencecah ke 57, baru2 ni dia call aku... tanya le sejak makan jusmate badan tak turun2 pun... makin naik... baru2 ni dari 53 ni elok2 nak stabil berat ke 45... last2 sampai 57... aduhzzz bingung aku,.... itu aku kena call le Doktor mintak dan tanya dia ngapa... sabar ye dik.... nanti kak call u....

uuuhhh penat sikit dah ni.... aku rasa setakat ini je.... nanti kita sambung lagi key!!!

Top Moments: Oprah's Tricks and Treats and Dancing Goes Baywatch

Our top TV moments of the week:

11. Best Drunken Advice: Self-professed "lush" Gwyneth Paltrow had trouble getting into the alcoholic mindset of her character in her upcoming film Country Strong, but she knew exactly who to turn to for some pointers: Robert Downey Jr. Paltrow tells Chelsea Handler on her Big Interview Special that her Iron Man pal "wrote me the most amazing e-mail and he helped me understand it." Or, you know, you could just watch Intervention.

10. Worst Timing: On Chuck, Sarah treks half-way across the world to save Chuck from a Belgian trying to remove the Intersect from his brain. But while Chuck lays trapped in a dream, with each of his non-Intersect memories being ripped out, Sarah declares she found his proposal outline and wants to marry him.

9. Biggest Heartbreaker: After proposing to his ex-wife-turned-girlfriend on House, Wilson is left on one knee with his jaw hanging open when Sam storms away in anger because she thinks he has trust issues stemming from some shady medical paperwork she filed. And to add insult to injury, she walks out on him even after he apologizes — for what, we still don't know.

8. Worst Discovery: While Dexter and Lumen are tracking down those involved with her assault on Dexter, namely Jordan Chase, the inspirational speaker has been doing some digging of his own. Jordan calls Dexter's home — yes, his old home, where Lumen resides. He asks to leave his trademark message for Dexter, "Tick, tick, tick. That's the sound of his life running out," he says before signing off with, "Take care, Lumen."

7. Best Shout-Out: During a game of Truth or Dare on How I Met Your Mother, Zoey dares Marshall to take a picture of his junk and send it to a random number. She asks for MacLaren's patrons to call out numbers. "4815162342," Blitz (guest star and Lost alum Jorge Garcia) says. So there you have it: Hurley's lottery numbers are a phone number.

6. Most Impressive: We know Fred Armisen has seniority over Saturday Night Live newbie Jay Pharoah, but maybe it's time for a change in command when it comes to impersonating President Barack Obama. After sharing his dead-on impressions of Denzel Washington and Will Smith on The Late Show with David Letterman, Pharoah — at the host's request and somewhat sheepishly — unleashes his killer Obama. Be sure to check out Pharoah's arsenal of accurate impersonations here.

5. Best Redemption: After calling Kurt a gay slur last year and then failing to stick up for him against the treacherous school bully, Finn finally learns the true meaning of friendship and acceptance on Glee. He not only performs a special rendition of Bruno Mars' "Just the Way You Are" for Kurt at his mom's wedding to Kurt's dad, but also dances hand-in-hand with Kurt for all to see — a big step for our favorite (if not slightly ignorant) leading man.

4. Best Discovery: A testament to The Good Wife's ability to perfectly balance the Case of the Week with serialized storytelling, Alicia finally finds out about the "I've loved you for 15 years" voicemail Will left her (and Eli promptly deleted without telling her) while listening to wiretap evidence on a client. Stunned and at least a little delighted, she rushes to his office to discuss the meaning behind the message when Will's sort-of girlfriend Tammy pops in. To be continued soon? Please?

3. Most Self-Aware: Yeah, yeah, Jennifer Grey won Dancing with the Stars, but the true champ is David Hasselhoff. Back for one last dance, the actor, who was eliminated first, busts out his old Baywatch gear — and his own bikini-clad dancers, including partner Kym Johnson — to dance and sing "I'm Always Here" (the Baywatch theme) for some good ol' self-deprecating, cheesy fun. Makes us wonder what could've been this season.

2. American Idol Award: The world got a blast from boy band past on the American Music Awards when New Kids on the Block took the stage with the Backstreet Boys — henceforth known as NKOTBSB — for their first-ever live TV performance. The boy band behemoth performed a snappily choreographed mash-up of each group's greatest hits — BSB's "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)," "I Want It That Way" and "Larger Than Life," and NKOTB's' "Hangin' Tough," "Step By Step" and "You Got It (The Right Stuff)" — that had everyone from lifelong fans to Train's Pat Monahan on their feet and singing along, all hailing the once and future pop gods.

1. Trick and Treat Award: Feeling extra generous in her last year in syndication, Oprah Winfrey planned two episodes of the mass hysteria/ode to consumerism that is "Oprah's Favorite Things" — excuse us, make that "Oprah's Ultimate Favorite Things." Pulling a fast one on audience No. 2, Winfrey tells the clueless crowd that they must be disappointed to not be beneficiaries of her largesse after seeing audience No. 1 file out with a sleigh-ful of new loot (including a 3-D TV that retails for $3,600). But then ... out rolls an ornament. "It's beginning to look a lot like ... FAVORITE THIIIIIIIIIIIINGS!" she bellows. This group lucks out with maybe the only thing better than a 3-D TV: the revamped 2012 Volkswagen Beetle that won't even be revealed for another six months. What are we going to do without Santa O next year?


Hai.... ni bukanlah suatu cerita rekaan penipuan.... cerita benar2 belaka.... kadang2 kita merasakan dunia ni penuh sangat ngan hipokrit atau non realiti but try to transform the situation become real!!! ahuakzz....  den what will happen if this boy or girl says..... just ignored wat there try to do.. ahahk otherwise they don't think who o to whom they want to take their risks! omg! apa le aku merepek ni....

Back to my story key..... ada le sorang pompuan ni... muka memang cantik... cutting semua ada tapi ah... sayang bercouple ngan budak kureng umur darinya... budak mentah tu ada le upe sikit... alah2 klon si shahir... tapi entahlah gaya cam budak tu je yang terhegeh2 kat lelaki ni sedangkan lelaki ni tak serius pun... ramai gewe le katakan.... budak pompuan ni bagile pinjam kete, pinjam duit... ahhha silap2 pinjam body pun kot! uhhhkkkz dosa tau!....
Entahlah....kadang2 mungkin faktor usia kot! bukan tak laku aku nengok budak tu... tapi entahlah... cam kesian pun ada....aku kesian gak kat hamba hawa ni... menagih kasih yang tak pasti sedangkan budak adam ni dah syok2 guna cam2 facilities dari si hawa ni... uhhhrgg!!!

Itulah selalu kita saran.. mak abah pertegahkan jgn kawin ngan lelaki bawah umur kita... biar kita kawin ngan org tua takpe.... hiiishhh tua2 tak best!tak syok... tak feelllll hhhaaaa feel tak feeling ko kata amik... baru  couple ngan meke dah clash... kang baru kawin.. dah masuk mahkamah.... cam artis2 kan... uhukkk....

Anyway... story naik loriiii ada lagi yang hendak dibicarakan.... sebentar kita ketemu juga nyok!!!