


Lemak 1 gram = 9 kalori

Karbohidrat 1 gram = 4 kalori

Protein 1 gram = 4 kalori


Bil Makanan Kalori (kal) Lemak(g)

1 Nasi 1 ½ cawan (200g) 260 0

2 Nasi lemak sepinggan (230g) 400 13

3 Nasi goreng telur sepinggan (330g) 635 25

4 Nasi briyani sepinggan dan ayam (490g) 880 35

5 Nasi minyak sepinggan (245g) 445 12

6 Bubur nasi ayam semagkuk (595g) 215 7

7 Mee goreng sepinggan (400g) 660 21

8 Mee sup semangkuk (560g) 380 15

9 Mee hoon goreng sayuran sepinggan (365g) 550 17

10 Lor-mai-fan semangkuk (200g) 445 9

11 Roti putih 2 keping (60g) 156 0

12 Roti canai sekeping (60g) 190 6.5

13 Capati sekeping (60g) 180 5

14 Thosai sekeping (80g) 150 2

15 Pau ayam sebiji (85g) 203 2.2

16 Cornflakes kosong secawan (40g) 160 2


Bil Makanan Kalori (ka) Lemak (g)

1 Tembikai sepotong (130g) 20 0

2 Betik sepotong (120g) 45 0

3 Pisang emas 2 biji (100g) 76 0

4 Durian 5 ulas (190g) 64 1.5

5 Limau sebiji (150g) 42 0

6 Jambu batu ½ biji (120g) 55 0

7 Nenas sepotong (130g) 59 0

8 Epal sebiji (130g) 63 0

9 Ciku sebiji (65g) 44 0

10 Mangga sebiji (230g) 103 0.5


Bil Makanan Kalori (ka) Lemak (g)

1 Ikan kembung kari berkuah (80g) 85 3

2 Ikan tenggiri goreng bercili (55g) 142 10.5

3 Ikan kembung goreng (50g) 140 7

4 Ikan senangin masam masin berkuah(100g) 210 11

5 Daging lembu masak kari berkuah(90g) 130 5

6 Ayam kari dengan kulit berkuah(125g) 250 17

7 Ayam goreng peha(120g) 255 18

8 Ayam tandoori tanpa kulit (125g) 220 15

9 Sambal udang (40g) 70 5

10 Sambal sotong (45g) 55 3

11 Telur goreng (53g) 110 5

12 Taukua goreng (100g) 110 5

13 Tau hoo kukus (100g) 70 3

14 Kacang panggang dalam tin (50g) 40 0


Bil Makanan Kalori (ka) Lemak (g)

1 Minuman berkarbonat (285g) 120 0

2 Minuman kotak (250g) 105 0

3 Minuman ‘O’ campur gula sesudu (5g) 20 0


Bil Makanan Kalori (ka) Lemak (g)

1 Dalca sayur (80g) 75 3

2 Sayur campur (50g) 44 4

3 Kangkong goreng belacan (50g) 60 7

4 Kacang panjang goreng (50g) 40 2

5 Timun (80g) 13 0

6 Tomato (90g) 20 0

7 Pegaga (25g) 10 0

8 Kailan goreng (50g) 50 2.5

9 Terung goreng (50g) 40 2.5


Bil Makanan Kalori (ka) Lemak (g)

1 Kuih kasui dengan kelapa (100g) 160 1.7

2 Kuih lapis (90g) 130 1

3 Bingkai ubi kayu (100g) 220 4.5

4 Cekodok pisang (70g) 180 4.5

5 Popia goreng (50g) 130 6

6 Popia basah (50g) 95 3.5

7 Pisang goreng (65g) 170 7

8 Kek biasa (20g) 87 4

9 Karipap (40g) 130 6

10 Sandwich sardin (30g) 70 1.7

11 Bubur kacang (230g) 100 0.2


Bil Makanan Kalori (ka) Lemak (g)

1 Ayam goreng (60g) 130 9

2 Nugget (20g) 60 3

3 Kentang lecek (100g) 1 90

4 Coleslow (90g) 75 3.5

5 Burger keju (155g) 425 18

6 Kentang goreng (125g) 405 22

7 Sate ayam (15g) 35 2

8 Pizza keju (100g) 240 6


Bil Makanan Kalori (ka) Lemak (g)

1 Susu tepung penuh krim (7g) 33 2

2 Susu tepung tanpa lemak (7g) 25 0

3 Aiskrim (90g) 390 12

4 Yogurt perisa buah (150g) 130 6

5 Yogurt rendah lemak (150g) 90 0

6 Susu pekat manis (21g) 71 2.5

7 Keju cheddar (18g) 58 4

8 Mentega (10g) 75 8


Postnatal Weight Gain

:: Why it happens

Pregnancy can cause the internal secretion as well as the metabolic rate of the fat cells to dysfunction and lose its natural balance, thus causing overweight problems.
During pregnancy, your appetite tends to be a lot heartier and you might feel the urge to binge on all sorts of food (fatty, high in protein and sugar), causing your weight to balloon.
The confinement period is a time where most women put on excess weight. This is due to the amount of food they consume in order to re-nourish their system. After childbirth, the stomach and liver will have a difficult time readjusting to the normal way of digestion. If too much food has been consumed, the calories that have not been burned will store itself into the pockets in the skin, thus becoming deposited fat.
Women who used to be smokers before childbirth will have a higher possibility of putting on weight after delivery.
:: Characteristics

During pregnancy, women tend to exceed their normal weight by about 10 to 30kgs; their physical structures expanding outwards about 20% to 50%.
After childbirth, the appearance of the body will take on significant changes. Accumulated fat is deposited all over the body, the breasts will start to sag, skin around the stomach will loosen and the shoulders will take on a "rounder" fleshier appearance. Water retention will also be apparent in the thighs and even wrinkles will start to appear. In other words, a lot of effort is to be made to regain your figure to what it was before childbirth.
Women after childbirth will start to see changes in their eating habits. They will also feel physically weak and their movements tend to be slower. In more serious cases, some may lose control of their bladder or their ovaries might start to tilt downwards.

:: Aftereffects

A month after childbirth is the best opportunity to commence on your weight management programme. If a suitable treatment is sought, your chances of recovery can be 100%. You'll be able to restore your youthful figure once again.
If you choose to seek treatment 6 months after you've given birth, you may need to put in more time and effort to redefine your figure as well as lose those extra pounds. Do take note that your treatment may not be as effective if you choose to delay seeking professional help!
Do not even consider the notion of saving the dollars and only seeking post-natal treatment after you've had a few kids. This misconception will only lower all possibilities of restoring or reshaping your figure. For most women, chances of recovery after the first birth will be extremely successful. You will be lowering your chances if you wait till after the second and if it's the third, it's going to take a lot more time and effort.

London Weight Management Pte Ltd

Overall Weight Gain

:: Why it happens

Usually around the ages of 12 to 18, women will start to show early signs of weight problems. Lack of exercise, overeating (too much fatty and oily foods) and a lack of digestion can cause your metabolic rate to slow down, thus resulting in apparent weight problems. In more serious cases, you may even put on 10kg or more every year. Most women who are generally overweight actually start developing weight problems as a kid. This is when the fat distribution beneath the skin is uneven, causing the fat cells to clump together, thus resulting in an overweight condition.
Factors leading to weight gain include heredity, eating too much and not exercising enough, bad digestion as well as a slow metabolic rate.

:: Characteristics

Fat cells are enlarged and plenty and tend to deposit themselves all over the body; predominantly concentrating in the lower part of the body.
People who are overweight will have an astounding amount of 1500 to 3000 million fat cells deposited all over their bodies, whereas normal people only have 250 to 300 million.
Being generally overweight can mean that there is an accumulation of fat cells in areas such as the tummy, waist, back, buttocks, arms, thighs and face.

:: Aftereffects

Resolving this sort of fat problem can be quite a challenging and arduous task. In addition, there are several ailments related to being grossly overweight; the health risks can be relatively high.
The 20s are said to be the peak period for losing weight. If you undergo treatment at this time, you'll be able to lose the excess weight completely, regaining your figure. Don't let your weight problem disrupt the many aspects of your lifestyle. Imagine getting frustrated over not being able to find clothes in the right size or feeling socially ostracized.
If you're in your 30s, you might put on a heaving 30kgs more than the usual amount and this can also result in stubborn fats. Not seeking the appropriate treatment can also affect your chances at giving birth. On the other hand, being overweight can be damaging on your confidence and may even cause depression to set in.
People who are overweight will have an astounding amount of 1500 to 3000 million fat cells deposited all over their bodies, whereas normal people only have 250 to 300 million.
By the time you're in your 40s or 50s, stubborn fat would have deposited themselves in all areas of your body. This can be the start of a permanent weight problem. If you do not seek treatment promptly, your condition will worsen and your health risks will become very high. Being overweight will also cause you to lose your confidence and natural charm.
When you've reached the middle-aged phase, you will need to spend even more time trying to regain your health and figure. In other words, seek treatment as soon as the problem appears. Not only will you be able to restore your slim and youthful figure, you'll also feel a lot younger and more energetic.

Taken from London Weight Management Pte Ltd