
Its come again!!!! 2011

Hi! Cikarosssssss…..

What up now! First of all I would like to wish yoll Happy New Year! Welcome 2011… and the best thing is this year of Rabbit will bring a lot of luck and a good health!
Ehem… well, well, cikaros! Let us stay cool and always smiles wherever we go and what ever we do!
Just having some fun in our life! Cheers! Now, cikaros… let us enjoy and having some info from Dr. Bill!
“For most of us, the holidays are over and it's back to work, or back to whatever we do best. After a week or two of breaking all the rules, most of us crave getting back into some kind of routine, even though we complain vociferously about it. We do need to take a fresh look at our health at the beginning of every year, although you certainly can do it anytime, if you want to. I thought I'd contribute some ways to make it easier for you.
1) Focus on the fundamentals. Drink water, eat good food, move, relax, connect. Don't sweat anything complex, until you have a grip on the basics.
2) Aim for 85%. You don't have to make 100% healthy choices, all the time. It's what you do most of the time...day in, day out...that counts. The healthier you get, the easier and more automatic healthy choices will become.
3) Learn to cook. Get a dozen healthy, whole food recipes under your belt and your life will be forever changed. Start by mastering one.
4) Do not skip breakfast. Make double sure you eat protein, produce, healthy fats and some fiber. Eating breakfast wards off excessive, or binge eating, prevents energy slumps, brain fog and food cravings.
5) Get off your fat S. Sitting around is deadly. Get up, walk around, climb a flight of stairs and, as Sergeant Carter used to scream at Gomer Pyle, "Move it! Move it! MOVE it!"

That's a good start and I'll have more suggestions, as we get rolling here, in the New Year.
More importantly, invest in your health. The money you spend on your health delivers far better returns than money spent reactively, on treating illness and disease. When a healthy choice seems "too expensive," consider the long term cost of health-sapping alternatives.

from Dr. Bill.

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